Welcoming Our
New Principal
It’s been an exciting year at Springwood State High School. As our students continue to grow and evolve, so too does our faculty and we are excited to welcome our new Principal and her leadership to the Springwood State High community.
Principal Sally Campbell brings an extensive background in education, with a long history of facilitating exceptional student outcomes through her student-centred focus and collaborative approach. She has worked as a primary and high school principal. Her contributions and oversight will be integral to the continued success of Springwood State High, working with the teaching staff and broader community to guide our students through their unique and exciting time with us.
As we continue our strengths-based and deep learning approaches, we focus on placing our students’ whole wellbeing at the centre of their experience here. We support them with an engaging curriculum that is in line with their interests to facilitate lifelong skills that enhance their development now and within the greater context of their community and future goals.
At Springwood State High School, we support our students to discover and grow their own greatness and are excited to welcome Principal Campbell to the helm of this journey.
We’d love to talk about your future at Springwood State High School, or even arrange an in-person Principal tour. Just leave us a message below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.